Acclaimed Music Japanese List Archive on RYM

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Acclaimed Music Japanese List Archive on RYM

Post by TheScientist »

Hello All. I've been talking at length with VacantJoy on rateyourmusic website about the sudden loss of Rocklist and Acclaimed Music in picking up that mantle. In particular about covering missing lists about expanding into music from Japan in this section.

While I've made list archives for Mixmag and Muzik electronic magazines recently and done some organized pointing back to Acclaimed Music Decade and Yearly List prior, I also wanted to make a mirror site of your Japanese section and then also point to any lists which exist for those lists on RYM. Also assist in plugging in any holes if possible on any transcribing needed as well as point out where people on RYM can help out finding any missing lists or making any on RYM. While VacantJoy gave his blessing, and also conferred with Pierre, I wanted to share this directly with AM and confirm the formatting and amount of sharing was acceptable. While I like the idea of sharing and archiving so if any site goes down that there is still redundancy, I don't want to make assumptions that those views are shared.

So please feel free to check out ... t-archive/ published today and I'll get your input. I kept it alphabetical to keep all these different threads into some coherent order. Thanks for all your hard work capturing all this information and spreading out your scope to Japan and Korea.....
I'm Freewave, also known as TheScientist on RateYourMusic. I run the RYM Box Set Project for chronological guides & playlists to all genres and scenes. A group project 15 Years and Running. :music-listening: Professional listologist and archiver. ;)
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