Best of All-time Lists, Best of Decade Lists, etc.
Barnes & (USA) - The Best Music of the 20th Century (1999) No Order
Billboard (USA) - The 50 Greatest Latin Songs of All Time (2015, updated 2017) 40
Grammy Hall of Fame Albums and Songs (USA) No Order
Latin Music USA (USA) - "Explore the Music" Songs (2009) No Order
NPR (USA) - The 300 Most Important American Records of the 20th Century (1999) No Order
National Recording Preservation Board (USA) - The National Recording Registry No Order
Steve Sullivan (USA) - Encyclopedia of Great Popular Song Recordings Volumes 1-4 (2013, 2017) 201-300
Ted Gioia (USA) - The History of Jazz: Recommended Listenings (2011) No Order
Guardian (UK) - A history of modern music (2011) No Order
Mark Ellingham (USA) - The Rough Guide Book of Playlists: 5,000 Songs You Must Download (2007) No Order
Guido Michielone (Italy) - Jazz Forever: 1020 Tunes 1894-2015 (2015) No Order
Stefano Zenni (Italy) - I Segretti del Jazz [History of Jazz]: Key Tracks 1900-1956 (2008) No Order