Roxy Music
Dance Away

Release Year: 1979

# / 1970s # / 1979 #

Genres: New Romantic, Pop Rock
Parent Genres: New Wave, Pop, Rock

Best of All-time Lists, Best of Decade Lists, etc.
Bruce Pollock (USA) - The 7,500 Most Important Songs of 1944-2000 (2005) No Order
Gary Mulholland (UK) - This Is Uncool: The 500 Best Singles Since Punk Rock (2002) No Order
Panorama (Norway) - The 30 Best Singles of the Year 1970-98 (1999) 17
Luca Sofri (Italy) - Playlist: 2978 canzoni di cui non potete fare a meno [2,978 Songs You Can't Live Without] (2008) No Order