Stevie Wonder
Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing

Release Year: 1973

#2655 / 1970s #538 / 1973 #53

Genres: Latin Soul
Parent Genres: Hispanic Music, Latin American Music, R&B, Regional Music, Soul

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Dave Marsh (USA) - The 1001 Greatest Singles Ever Made (1989) 936
Pitchfork (USA) - The 200 Best Songs of the 1970s (and Recommended Listening) (2016) 201
Steve Crawford (USA) - 1,000 Essential Songs from the 1970s (2015) 101
The Guardian (UK) - 1000 Songs Everyone Must Hear (2009) No Order
Theater van het Sentiment, Radio 2 (NL) - Top 40 Songs by Year 1969-2000 (2013) 37
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