
Release Year: 1981

#2026 / 1980s #293 / 1981 #31

Genres: Synth Funk
Parent Genres: Funk, R&B

Best of All-time Lists, Best of Decade Lists, etc.
1,001 Songs You Must Hear Before You Die, and 10,001 You Must Download (2015 Update) 1002
Dave Marsh (USA) - The 1001 Greatest Singles Ever Made (1989) 970
Michaelangelo Matos (USA) - Top 100 Singles of the 1980s (2001) 49
Pitchfork (USA) - The 200 Best Songs of the 1980s (2015) 201
Vibe (USA) - The 101 Greatest Prince Songs (2014) 3
Theater van het Sentiment, Radio 2 (NL) - Top 40 Songs by Year 1969-2000 (2013) 26
Laut (Germany) - The 50 Best Prince Songs (2016) 48
Musikexpress (Germany) - The 700 Best Songs of All Time (2014) 203
Gilles Verlant and Thomas Caussé (France) - 3000 Rock Classics (2009, update 2013) No Order
Hervé Bourhis (France) - Le Petit Livre Rock: The Juke Box Singles 1950-2012 No Order
Luca Sofri (Italy) - Playlist: 2978 canzoni di cui non potete fare a meno [2,978 Songs You Can't Live Without] (2008) No Order
End of Year Lists
Village Voice (USA) - Singles of the Year 10